Who are we?
Welcome to the CHART Lab

The CHART Lab is an interdisciplinary team working together to promote life-long mental health and well-being, beginning with children and youth. Led by Dr. Hasina Samji, the team includes specialists in epidemiology, child and youth psychology, education, health sciences, and public health. The CHART Lab aims to identify social and structural determinants of mental health and mobilize research into action to promote social justice and collective well-being.

Promoting health & well-being through data collaboration community engagement

2024 ydi provincial report

The 2024 YDI Provincial Report is now available!  

In 2024, the YDI was completed by over 17,000 in 31 school districts and 31 independent schools across B.C. Since piloting in 2020, over 43,000 secondary students have completed the YDI.  Between 2021-2023, YDI data showed a decline across several areas of youth health and well-being. This year, there are shifts in the other direction.  For instance, 40% of youth who completed the YDI in 2023 reported high levels of optimism, versus 46% this year. Improvements were also seen in general mental health, physical health, life satisfaction, young people’s roles in their communities, and several other measures. 

While these data are promising, they also highlight ongoing gaps in structural support for young people and inequities in which youth are thriving. We hope this report will support your continued efforts to enhance youth well-being throughout the province. 

 Check it out!